’10 Cloverfield Lane’ gets viewers’ adrenaline pumping
If you are into fantasy or mystery films, the newly released 10 Cloverfield Lane, produced by J.J. Abrams, will push your claustrophobia buttons and even test your patience at some points. It will definitely keep you on your toes throughout the entire movie as you wait for the next jump scene.
In the movie, a young woman (Michelle) is kidnapped and taken hostage in an underground storm cellar. Upon waking up, Michelle finds her ankle chained to a pipe and her leg bandaged. She begins to freak out, which causes her kidnapper, Howard, to come into her room and attempt to calm her. After explaining to her that the world is being attacked with deadly poison by who he thought to be the Russians, Michelle begins to calm down and adapt to her surroundings. After working up the nerve, she finally decides to venture out of her room and finds a man named Emmet living in the kitchen behind some shelves.
After awhile, Michelle becomes very skeptical of the whole scenario and decides she wants to go above ground to see if what Howard claims is really true. While sneaking behind Howard’s back each time it is turned, Michelle and Emmet begin to take tools that will go unnoticed if missing in order to make a Hazmat suit. During this process, Howard finds the tools scissors, and duct tape. Emmet immediately takes blame for the tools and says he was planning to make a weapon to use against them, thus causing Howard to shoot him. In order to get out, Michelle throws and burns Howard in acid. After reaching the outside, Michelle learns that instead of the Russians, it is aliens that are attacking and contaminating their hometown.
The plot of the movie was really good and planned out quite thoroughly. The actors in the movie also played their parts wonderfully in that they captured the setting of the movie and portrayed that really well through their actions. They adapted really well to their environment and made it seem like they were actually going insane from being locked up for so long.
The best played character was Howard (John Goodman). In the movie, his character is very psycho and possessive. He seemed like he was actually living the movie in real life, not just playing the part. He really grasped the concept and became Howard, not just John Goodman.
Though the movie was amazing, the ending was quite boring and unappealing. It had a good story line, but that was ruined by throwing aliens in at the end. If the producers absolutely felt the need to add aliens or the mothership to the end, they should have at least made it a little bit more realistic and intense. Lighting a bottle of liquor on fire with a match and throwing it into the mothership’s mouth was too easy of a defeat. Aliens are overused and overrated by this point and it was upsetting to see such a terrible ending to what was a very enjoyable movie.
So yes, 10 Cloverfield Lane was a fun one to see, but the producers should have created a different outcome because it brings down the entire hype of the movie.