Bear of the Week: Kyler Garlaska
Even though senior Kyler Garlaska moved here somewhat recently, he has adapted quickly and is now a big part of the Bear family.
February 26, 2023
Senior Kyler Garlaska moved to LCM at the end of his junior year and has already made such an impact to everyone around him. He stays active as an athlete, competing in multiple sports such as football, soccer, and track.
“He has done great work on defense and really just puts in work,” senior and soccer teammate Ace Vandervoort said. “He is a great teammate and has saved us more than once.”
Garlaska’s biggest inspiration has always been his mother because she pushes through life with a positive attitude no matter what. She, along with many other people surrounding him, are his motivation for accomplishing his goals and for his achievements.
A quote he lives by is, “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”
The greatest accomplishment Garlaska has is how he is thriving in life and not letting it get the best of him by always having a positive outlook. His goal is to be successful no matter what path he chooses to take in the future.
“My goal is this because I know there are no limits when I have my mind set on what I want to do,” Garlaska said. “I know the only thing that would hold me back is myself.”
As for Garlaska’s favorite class, it would be his office aid period. During the period, he finds any way to be helpful to those in the front when needed, and uses the spare time to work on other classwork needing to be done. Attendance clerk Tammy Corbell and all of the other staff members in the front have been very welcoming to him.
“Kyler is super positive and always has a smile to brighten others’ day,” activities director Stacey Smith said. “As an office aid, there is no job too big or too small for him. He does them all with a positive attitude. Kyler is also a fun athlete to watch on the field because he is always ‘all gas, no breaks’ and plays ‘like he’s got that dog in him.’ He is a Battlin’ Bear through and through.”