Quiz bowl to hold students v. staff contest
The LCM Quiz Bowl team is preparing to compete at both the state and national tournaments.
The Quiz Bowl team will host a students v. staff academic challenge at 3 p.m. on Feb. 23 in the high school auditorium. Members of the Quiz Bowl team will face off against some of the high school faculty members and all proceeds from the event will help the team’s travel expenses for the state and national tournaments this spring.
According to senior Quiz Bowl member Spencer Johns, this competition is similar to Jeopardy! without the categories and the ability to pick questions. He and the other members of the team prepare for competitions by absorbing any kind of knowledge they hear or read.
In the students v. staff competition next week, team members will battle members of the high school faculty that have been divided into teams of four: JV, Junior, Senior, and Varsity. According to librarian and Quiz Bowl sponsor Charlette Roddy, the teachers’ biggest challenge is that the questions being asked are not always straight forward.
“The disadvantage for teachers is that they are not accustomed to answering questions in rapid speed,” Roddy said. “They are also not familiar with the buzzer system. It should be a lot of fun. The teachers will catch on quickly.”
English teacher Erin Tarver is one of the faculty members that will be competing in the event and said in a joking manner that she feels she has prepared her whole life for this.
“I know loads of useless trivia,” she said. “I am so stoked to be able to help out the Quiz Bowl team go to Nationals.”
Roddy said the Quiz Bowl team usually practices twice a week and has subject specific material to study.
“During practice they compete against each other,” she said. “Not only do they have to know the answer – they have to know what to listen for in the question to be able to beat the other team to the buzzer.”
Out of over 1,000 schools in Texas, LCM is currently ranked in the top 25 Quiz Bowl teams. They will compete at the state tournament in Baytown on April 21 and the national tournament in Atlanta, Georgia on May 25-27.
“We expect to win a respectable number of our matches,” Roddy said. “We are looking forward to gaining the experience from playing a lot of matches against teams from all over the country.”
Roddy said the team will play as many as ten matches a day to gain experience and prepare for State and Nationals. She also said the staff v. student competition will be an opportunity to play lots of matches, while having fun and raising money for travel expenses.
“Competing against teachers will showcase the level of academic preparation required to compete at Quiz Bowl tournaments,” she said.
Those who are interested in attending the students v. staff competition may purchase their ticket from any Quiz Bowl team member. Admission is $3 for students and $5 for adults, and tickets may also be purchased at the door on the day of the event.

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