Simmons named Student of the Month
Ayson Simmons was awarded the Orange Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month.
March 10, 2017
Whether its dribbling a basketball down the court for that last layup or using his intellect to write an A-worthy essay in English, one LCM senior stands out among the rest. This individual rarely misses a due date or a practice. He is a leader among his peers, and he is trustworthy and respectful of others. His name is Ayson Simmons and he was recently awarded the Orange Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month.
Simmons was surprised with this honor by members of the Chamber, as well as the Superintendent and principal, last Tuesday morning. He was first nominated for the award by a teacher and then voted the winner by the faculty and staff. In order to be eligible for the honor, Simmons maintained a strong work ethic, a good attitude, reasonable grades, and sportsman-like conduct within his extra-curricular activities.
“He is the most respectful, the most dependable, and the most coachable kid to ever play for me,” head basketball coach Brad Jeffcoat said.
According to Jeffcoat, Simmons is a very dedicated individual. Throughout the year, he has worked hard both in class and on the court. It may be evident to many others that Simmons deserves this award, but for him it was unexpected news.
“I was very surprised,” Simmons said. “This award means a lot to me because I would have never seen myself winning this.”
Along with having a good attitude, Simmons also has a plan for life after high school. He plans to finish his senior year with good grades, lasting memories, and good prospects of attending college.
“I do plan to go to college,” said Simmons. “I don’t know where I’d like to go yet.”
Despite not knowing the exact location he’ll be studying at after graduation, Simmons does know exactly what it is he wants to pursue. Once Simmons gets into the college of his choice, he’ll have a plan for his future.
“I hope to finish school with a degree in Business and Management,” he said.
For the moment, Simmons is happy to enjoy his last year of high school. So far he has made goals and met them by helping his team win more than 20 games in a season, place second in district, and make it to playoffs. Simmons said that even though graduating will be an exciting time, he will miss the people he has met and his time on the basketball team.
“I’ll miss it all, but I’ll really miss playing high school basketball,” Simmons said.
Simmons has learned a lot since he first walked through the halls of LCM his freshman year, including how to properly convey his thoughts through writing, conduct professional presentations, understand the basics of science and math, and also how to interact with others. Personally, Simmons has grown into a person others can trust to take charge and get things done.
“I’ve become a much better leader,” Simmons said of his time in high school.
According to Simmons, it was a senior goal of his to win more than 20 games and compete in playoffs this year in basketball. As an experienced player, Simmons knew how to push himself and keep a healthy mentality in stressful or discouraging situations. It was those skills that allowed him to encourage and aid his team.
“I am very proud of the year he’s had in basketball, and even prouder of the person that he is,” Jeffcoat said.
In the last four years, Simmons has made an impression on those surrounding him, but has also been influenced in the same way. He learned one of the most important lessons of life while attending LCM and integrated it into his own world view. It is something he will carry with him moving forward. It is how he became Student of the Month. It is part of what makes him Ayson Simmons.
“Whatever you put your heart into, you can do,” he said.