855 miles away from home
Band prepares for trip to Disney
The Battlin’ Bear Band is headed to Disney this Spring Break.
March 7, 2017
Every three years, the band has the opportunity to travel out of the state to perform and to also take a break from school life. This year, they will drive 855 miles to Orlando, Florida to not only visit amusement parks, but march in the Festival of Fantasy Parade at Disney World.
“I’m looking forward to hanging out with all of my friends and just having a real good time trying to relax and get away from the stress of school,” sophomore Hunter Fuselier said.
Disney World is not the only park the band will visit. They will also spend half the week at Universal Studios. This addition adds some variety to the agenda and has made many students excited for the trip.
“The big difference in this trip from our trip three years ago, will be that this is the band’s first time to visit Universal Studios Orlando,” Band Booster president Thomas Martin said. “This will be the first time most of the students have had the opportunity to go to Universal Studios.”
The band boosters and band supporters have been working vigorously to prepare for this trip, as well as band secretary Marian Perkins. From bargaining prices to planning the itinerary for the trip, Perkins has greatly contributed her time and efforts to make this trip possible. The Band Boosters have also done a great deal to prepare for the journey.
“This trip requires months of preparation, planning, and fundraising to make it a success,” Martin said. “The students are given the opportunity to raise funds for their trip through various fundraisers. Band Secretary, Marian Perkins has the most difficult task of planning this trip. She works closely with Disney/Universal representatives on ticket pricing and details of visiting their parks. She also schedules the buses and sets up lodging specifics on the trips.”
Although the students are there to have fun, the adults have made precautions to make sure that safety is the main priority. They have assigned one chaperone for every ten students going and there are also extra chaperones to care for students if they get hurt or sick. Communication between students and chaperones is going to be an important aspect at Disney.
“Three years ago when we went, we let them hop around parks because they had Park Hopper Passes so they could go to any of say three parks, but I don’t really like that,” band director Jose Ochoa said. “I’d rather them all be in one park so I know if something is wrong, I can get to them quicker. We’re all staying in one place, so basically we will be all together at all times.”
Many students have been looking forward to this trip all year. After much work during their marching season and concert seasons, these students need some time to relax and appreciate all they have done this year including all that the Boosters and sponsors have done.
“Since marching season has ended we haven’t been able to spend much time with each other,” senior Kayla Umbenhair said. “I think it’ll be good to have this break just so we get reconnected with each other again.”