Senior has unique opportunity
Senior Connor Alexander is ready to page at the Capitol.
For most students, being involved in numerous extra-curricular activities, maintaining good grades in upper level courses, holding leaderships positions, and preparing for life after high school all while having a social life, can be all too much. But for senior Connor Alexander, he has taken on all of these roles and found unique opportunities along the way.
Alexander traveled to Austin and paged at the Capitol in Representative Dade Phelan’s Office, Senator Robert Nichols’ Office, and on the Texas House and Senate Floors from Jan. 29 to Feb. 1. While there, he also was able to attend sessions at the TASA and LSET conferences with Superintendent Pauline Hargrove as a representative of the Superintendent’s Advisory Council.
“I love Austin and the opportunities the city has,” Alexander said. “The Capitol is such a cool building with so many bright, intelligent people working in it to secure the prosperity of our state. It was an honor just to have the opportunity to help some of these people for a few days.”
Alexander has a great interest in government and politics, so paging at the Capitol was fitting for him.
“I’ve always thought politics was interesting,” Alexander said. “But it wasn’t until this election that I really started forming opinions and taking a stand on issues. I believe that it is so vital that our generation steps up and fights for the good of our county, instead of watching others degrade and diminish it.”
Alexander has a passion for leading and serving others, which he has already done while in high school and will continue to do after he graduates in May. Right now, he is the president of Interact Club, the secretary of National Honor Society, senior class treasurer, and a member of Student Council and the Superintendent’s Advisory Council. He is also an active member of the UIL Poetry team, LCM Theater, and church.
“At the end of the day, it’s just a matter of finding what you’re passionate about and getting involved in it,” Alexander said. “For me, my passion is service and leading others. Once you find something you love, you could do it 24/7 and never get tired of it. Despite the huge workload I took on this year, I’ve never had a problem balancing everything because I love what I’m doing.”
Austin will be no stranger to Alexander, as he plans to attend the University of Texas and begin his path toward government there.
“I will double major in Government and Business Marketing in the Liberal Arts Honors Program,” Alexander said. “After college, I plan on entering our political system in an effort to bring positivity and unity back into our government. I aim to bridge the political divide and serve the American people wherever I am needed most, whether that be at the local, state, or national level.”
From his experience at the Capitol, Alexander was able to take many things away, including a renewed sense of why he wants to devote his life to public service.
“The doors that God has opened for me at UT and in Austin has been such a blessing and a reaffirmation that I’m exactly where I need to be,” Alexander said. “Unfortunately, right now we see gridlock in Washington and a harsh, bitter political divide that is really ripping at our democracy. It is up to us to fix those problems and that’s why I want to dedicate my life to public service and working to better our country.”

I'm a senior and serve as the editor of the newspaper! I am drum major in the LCM Marching Band and also play the flute. I love spending time with family...