Stop and think
Writer describes struggles with bullying
Bullying is not something that should be taken lightly.
February 16, 2017
Being truly accepted anywhere is never fully possible. There is always someone who is there to bring a person down and to make them feel small. Bullying is an issue everywhere, no matter what country or continent you are from. There are many different types of bullying that someone could go through and endure, such as, cyber, physical, verbal, and emotional bullying.
Going throughout life, a person isn’t going to skip around the years of name-calling and teasing. It’s a normal, yet very saddening, part of living. Some, more so than others, have to deal with ridiculous and degrading bullying that can cripple them emotionally and mentally for their entire life. It is a serious issue that should not be happening anymore in this day and age.
It does not matter what gender or race you are to be bullied. It could just be because of the clothes you wear, the things you like, or even just because some bully felt the need to bring others down. Everyone, like I said, has had experience with this at least once. I’ve been teased because of my hair and teeth before and still deal with the immaturity of it today. It’s not always easy, especially since some people are too afraid to speak up about their own experiences and what is still happening to them.
I was so scared of being picked on and bullied when I was younger that I tried my hardest to stay below the radar and to not be noticed by anyone. It scared me to stand up to people like that because I didn’t want to be the one kid that runs and tells whenever something like that happened. I wanted to be able to handle it on my own. As I got older, however, the teasing and name-calling became less and less. I became more confident with my voice and being able to stand up to others. I try to stand up for others when I see that they’re having issues with bullying and no one else helps to stop it.
In society and schools today, young adults are being verbally and physically beaten down because of the clothing that they wear and the supplies that they do not have in school or even out in public. It is also a common fad to have young adults watch and follow trends, such as, lip injections, dangerous diets, and body expectations. It’s a common saying to “be unique and be yourself.” No one should strive for what is deemed acceptable to society. Someone should not simply belittle a peer because they do not “fit in” with the weekly norm that is considered to be “popular.”
I am not a follower of said trends and find myself being questioned on what I wear daily, which would be, old vintage button-ups, ruined shoes with holes, and things you would normally find within a resale store. I do not choose to dress like this because of financial issues or funny dares from friends. I dress like this because it is what I feel comfortable in and I feel as though I do not need to be told what I need to wear in order for acceptance.
It is sad how I’ve come to accept the fact that bullying will never go away or never change. People will be emotionally and mentally hurt and I do not want this to happen. Instead of tearing down others, people should realize that some aren’t able to afford or may not want to buy what some deem okay. I’ve started my stand against it by helping others and others should follow suit.