Bass team prepares for tournament
Photo courtesy of LCM Bass Team
Sophomore John Lingo and senior RJ Conway show off their catch at a local bass tournament.
The bass team’s season began in January and so far they have been very active. Since the start of the season, two teams have placed in the top six at the Deep East Tournament series and are set to participate in a special prize tournament in February.
The team participates in tournaments on a Saturday or Sunday, two or more times a month. The team is currently preparing for tournaments at Lake Sam Rayburn, Lake Livingston and the Sabine River in Orange. They also will participate in Challenges, Opens, and Championships all over Texas as well as Alabama and Arkansas.
“Bass team started in this area six years ago with less then 25 members and has grown in that short time to over 1,100 anglers,” bass team adviser Nellie Miller said. “Our school has been involved from the beginning.”
The team typically catches large mouth bass and spotted bass. Their fishing strategy differs from tournament to tournament as seasons, weather conditions, and water levels change.
“The bass team catch bass just as the name implies,” Miller said. “Mostly Large Mouth as they are larger in size and more desirable for tournament competition but Spotted Bass also known as Kentucky are caught as well. There has been some talk this year of a new opportunity for the teams to participate in salt water fishing that would allow for Red Fish or other possible species.”
The team practices individually or in teams of two every chance they get in their free time. They also have meetings once a month.
“At each monthly meeting, we have local as well as pro-fisherman spend time going over technique, equipment, [and] weather conditions, all of which play a role in their outcome,” Miller said.
The team participates in many other events such as parades, food drives, and environmental activities. In the upcoming months, they plan to be involved in much more.
“The team participates in local parades, can food drives, volunteering to assist with younger generations at events such as Gophers Kids Fishing Tent during Pro Tournaments,” Miller said. “Clean ups or environmental activities such as conservation efforts, as well. We hope to have more community involvement activities in the future as well.”
In the past, Bass team members were offered fishing scholarships and they expect to receive more this year. They also have high hopes to catch a couple of spots in The National High School Tournament. According to Miller, fishing has no age limit, no ability limit, no size limit to make one a great.
“You must then choose to learn and practice and improve your skill to be the best you can be,” Miller said. “I love that so many generations share in this amazing sport right along side one another.”

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