Traveling around the world would be writer’s dream
Bear Facts writer, Cheyenne Pucheta, has always wanted to travel around Europe.
January 29, 2017
Traveling to Germany, Paris, or Italy would be considered a dream for anyone with just a drop of adventure. Growing up, I was strongly influenced by my family and other outside forces to do what I love and to go places in life that would show me things that I wouldn’t learn from staying home.
There is always that feeling of adventure in someone’s soul where they might just want to get up and go explore what the world holds. It is an amazing feeling to finally get to go to one’s place of dreams, while getting to meet new people and experience cultural differences.
As I have gotten older, I have realized that I am able to make better choices about the places I want to travel and the way I would like to do it instead of just saying, “I wanna go to Alaska and hunt for food!” Now I’m living off of plants and I’m more conscious of what my body can handle including the temperature, the animals, and the secluded cabins that I would be lonely in.
It would be cliché to say that travel and “wanderlust” are in my blood but my family has been travelling for as long as I can remember and I would like to follow in that path as well. It’s boring to sit here and talk about every place that I’d like to visit and ramble on about why I’d love to visit that place.
Several different influences in my life have also played a major key role in the reasoning behind my dream to travel. I would like to meet family members that I did not know existed and travel to Italy to find out the ‘Pucheta’ background. Everyone has family outside of the country that they live in, because family history goes back centuries.
Since summer is just around the corner, I am hoping to travel with my brother throughout Europe. Scotland or Ireland would be our first stop and then Germany or Italy would be our last. The experiences that I could gain from this would be endless, having gained cultural influence, new friendships and an experience that I could tell others about anytime because the memories would be everlasting.
Expenses may be an issue for anyone wanting to travel because traveling requires you to have money for your food, living arrangements, transport, and other expenses. In order to fund any trips I would like to go on, I need to make sure that I am financially prepared for the future. I would also like to think that I will be just as passionate about travel in two or three years, so that I will make the right decisions and get to experience once-in-a-lifetime memories.