Don’t forget the happy thoughts
Friends and family released balloons after Taylor’s funeral.
December 14, 2016
Recently in our community we lost a wonderful girl who simply died way too young. Taylor Luther, a class of 2016 alumni, positively impacted almost everyone she came into contact with. Her passing has prompted many unsettling feelings among a majority of us such as anger, sorrow, denial, and questioning life’s true purpose. Grief is one of the most challenging emotions that exists, but it is important that we remember why the world is still a beautiful place and to treasure our loved ones, for love is what people do best.
When a life passes, especially one so dear as Taylor’s, we question why it happened. We wonder why someone with such a beautiful soul would be taken unfairly from this Earth. I personally have had no other topic on my mind this week, and began to question the reason of living in a world that cruel.
We live in an imperfect world. Crime, sin, and injustices occur every day. But, it is life’s beautiful moments, and more importantly, life’s beautiful people we should focus on. Whether they believe it or not, everyone has at least one person who loves them unconditionally. The love between family and friends is quite possibly the strongest and most pure thing in the world. Think about the warmth you feel when a family member hugs you after a hard day. Think about the joy you feel when your friend makes you laugh so hard you cry. Think about the love you feel towards all of the wonderful people in your life.
It is these amazing humans that each of us has that keep us going and remind us how life can be worth the pain we face on rough days. When you feel as if you can’t handle the pressure that is existence, turn to a loved one. I personally know I could not have made it through this week without my dear friends and family and their encouraging words and smiles.
If Taylor represented anything, it was unconditional love and happiness. She faced hardships in her life I wouldn’t wish on anyone, yet every single time I saw her she was always so kind and joyful. I have no doubts that she is currently smiling in heaven right now, and wishing for comfort for her friends and family in their time of need. She has taught myself, and many others to always see the bright side of things, appreciate the people around you, and to, “Don’t forget the happy thoughts.”