Anime club stays busy

The Anime Club is still going strong after its fourth year at LCM.
October 10, 2016
Going on its fourth year, the Anime Club currently holds 30 proud and content members. Although this is the club’s first year with a new sponsor, Math Models and Geometry teacher David Earle, the club has continued to thrive.
The purpose of the Anime Club is to promote the advancement of Asian Culture primarily through the medium of Japanese animation that is useful to individuals and is beneficial to the community. Every Tuesday after school, the Anime Club holds a meeting in room F-20 until 5 p.m. The officers are: President Garson Day, Vice- President Meagan Mathews, Secretary Dani Wyatt, and Treasurer Taylor Booker.
“I wanted to join Anime Club because I like anime and I thought it would be fun,” secretary Dani Wyatt said.
Wyatt is an ambitious and active member in many more extracurricular activities besides the Anime Club. She is a member of the Key Club, Spanish Club, HOSA Club, and Dr. Hargrove’s Advisory Council. Even though she is involved in many other activities, Wyatt still finds time to be an enthusiastic leader and make numerous friends in the Anime Club. This will be her second year of being a participant of the club and she plans to continue being so for the rest of her high school years.
“My favorite part about Anime Club is getting to know all of the other members and make new friends,” Wyatt said.
During club meetings, the members watch an Anime film that the officers have chosen and they also have a movie night on the last Thursday of the month. At the movie nights, the officers draw names for members to win prizes. They also talk about upcoming events they have planned. Right now, the club is planning to have car washes and they will have a convention at the end of the year.
“The Anime Club is very unique,” Wyatt said. “The club stands out because each person comes from a different background and we accept just about anybody who wants to join.”