Different schools, common goals

Love, not hate, is what needs to be spread across all schools in Texas.
September 15, 2016
Conflicts between local schools have always been a problem for high school students. Over the last couple of weeks, however, a situation between schools in South East Texas escalated to the point of an entire community being effected. Student sections insulting one another, extracurricular competitions becoming cruel, and social media arguments turned into a common occurrence.
Now is the time to stop this harsh behavior. Students are getting hurt, fun events are turning sour, and everyone is being forced to get involved. High school is rough as is, but when hate is added it becomes a whole new level of unbearable.
For teenagers, a popular place to be on a Friday night is their school’s football student section. These sections are all about having fun, being loud, and most importantly – cheering for the team. Recently on Twitter, students have been insulting one another about their section size and how “cool” they are. At what point did student sections stop being about supporting the team?
Healthy rivalries are great for all extracurricular activities. These types of rivalries motivate athletes, musicians, thespians, and all other competitors to push themselves. However, it is easy to cross the line of being competitive and being cruel. Almost every school group has experienced either being the victim or the bully at a competition. Instead of inspiration, doubt in their skills are now formed, taking the fun out of the event for everyone.
Social media has become the main platform of bullying today, especially within high school students. Because of the standards of humors escalating through the years, cruelty is now considered funny. The Internet has run wild with rude screenshots, insults, and arguments. The boundaries to what is posted on line grow looser and looser.
Because of this type of behavior, actions need to be taken soon. There needs to be stricter limitations from coaches and directors over what their students say and post, and more people who analyze their actions before they say or do something that is hurtful toward others. The education environment is much more pleasant of a place when all groups and schools are supported. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “I have decided to stick to love…Hate is too great a burden to bear.”