‘The Walking Dead’ Finale has fans guessing
Rick and the group meet Negan
April 13, 2016
The Walking Dead is a highly addictive, popular and intense TV show that has fans talking every Monday about the previous showing and what’s going to happen next week. During the whole series, every episode has had fans on their heels and worried about what will happen to their favorite characters.
This most recent season started with the main protagonist Rick Grimes creating a plan to lead away a whole herd of walkers (zombies). After that, every other episode was as action-packed and thrilling as the one before. Though every episode was amazing and suspenseful, the season finale is the episode that has everyone talking.
The finale starts with Rick and the other Alexandrian’s trying to get a sick Maggie to another community for medical aid, but the Saviors (who the Alexandrian’s have been killing all season) are stopping them on every turn. The first time the group is stopped, there are around 15 men telling them to watch out, then on the second stop, the amount of men increased to around 30, sending the same message as before: watch out.
Then finally, on their last possible route, they are stopped by around 60 men, and that is when the group realizes that they’re messing with the wrong people. In one last ditch effort, Rick decides that they should carry Maggie through the woods and have one person drive the RV as a diversion. While running, they end up cornered by the saviors and are forced to kneel and await their fate.
With all of their favorite characters lined up on their knees, every fan is clenching his or her teeth and waiting for what is going to happen next. Then, the moment every fan has been waiting for finally happened.
We meet Negan, the main antagonist of all, who is infamously known for killing Glenn and fighting the Alexandrian’s in the comics. He walks out of the RV and gives a very to-the-point speech about what’s going to happen now. He states how they will now give half of their supplies to him and that if they disobey, he will kill them.
After that long speech, he then starts to pick which person he will beat to death with his signature bat, Lucille. After he picks his victim, the camera then goes to the point of view of the target, so that the audience doesn’t know who he picked. Once you see yourself get beaten to death, the credits roll and we all have to wait six months to find out which one of our favorites got the bat.
The beginning was very fast-paced, which I enjoyed, and everything up until Negan’s entrance was great. Negan’s whole speech was very scary and intense, which was a good way to show how powerful he is. The one thing I didn’t like at all during the whole finale was how they never revealed who died from Lucille. It would have been better for all the fans to go through the entire emotional trauma and cope during this six month break, rather than be on the edge of our seats until the next episode. The whole season would have been better if the fans would have known who died. Other than that, the whole season was amazing.