Senior Wins Miss Dance of Texas
Photo Courtesy of Brooke Manuel
Senior Brooke Manuel recently won the title of Miss Dance of Texas.
March 4, 2016
For the last 16 years, she has spent many late nights at the dance studio and countless hours dedicating herself to the world of dance. She has gotten many sore muscles along the way, but last Saturday all that work proved to be worth it for senior Brooke Manuel when she was awarded the title of Dance Masters of America 2016 Miss Dance of Texas.
“I felt very nervous, but excited,” Manuel said about her win.
Some of the requirements for the competition were having a dance background, being interviewed by a panel of judges and taking classes the night before the performance in front of the judges.
“You also got points added to your technique, memory, and performance in classes which were ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, modern, and acro,” Manuel said.
According to Manuel, some of her favorite parts of the competition were meeting new people, spending time with her friends, and learning new skills and techniques. Lorna Badon School of Fine Arts has been a leading factor in aiding Manuel to become the dancer she is today. She said her biggest inspiration is Orange Jazz Company Director Kristin Lyons, who has taught her much of what she knows today.
“She always pushes me to be the best I can be,” Manuel said.
According to Manuel, the hardest part for her during the competition was knowing that she had to compete at a very high level with many advanced dancers. When she found out she won, she said she was in shock.
“It felt so great to know that all my hard work had paid off and I look forward to going to Nationals in Nashville, Tennessee this summer to represent DMA chapter three,” Manuel said.
Manuel said receiving this title has been a dream come true and when asked what piece of advice she would give to other dancers she said to always work hard, believe in yourself, and do your best.