The Idiocy Behind the “Red Cup” Issue
The red cup has become quite a big deal on social media in the past week.
November 12, 2015
There are many problems that Americans deal with every single day, and lately we have had our fill of racial and gender issues, war, terrorist attacks, the homeless, and starving. These issues should be talked about as to come up with a solution, but instead of approaching these important and urgent matters, we care so intently about red cups and their lack of design.
If you’ve missed out on social media and even the news, here’s an update: Americans have become outraged due to Starbucks taking their usual snowmen, snowflakes, and Santa’s off of their cups this holiday season, and instead creating a plain red cup.
Storms of “#MerryChristmasStarbucks” and “#redcup” have taken over Twitter and Instagram. After one man made a video about the cups and their lack of Christmas spirit (and specifically, their lack of Christianity) and uploaded it to Facebook, many Christians have been condemned for taking this too seriously and not caring about the real world issues, when, in reality, most Christians couldn’t care less.
The truth that MOST Christians agree upon is if you’re putting your faith in a company that has never even claimed to be a “religious” company, and even more so, to base your faith on whether or not they include an image on their holiday cups, you’ve completely missed the point of Christmas.
Also, to end all of this controversy, Christmas is a completely made-up holiday by followers of Jesus to be able to celebrate His birth. So the fact that a couple of people on the Internet decided to blow up a decision of a company without any religious affiliation anyway, is completely wrong and should have never occurred in the first place. Some advice that many have given is simply: “Just ignore the hashtags and move on, people.”