Airline Treatment Gone Wrong

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D’Arcee Neal recently made the news after being treated unfairly.

Caitlyn Permenter, Writer

Last week, a man who suffers from Cerebral Palsy was in need of going to the restroom after a five-hour flight and since he was in a wheelchair, D’Arcee Neal decided it was too much of a hassle to try and do so on the plane. As the flight landed and people began to disembark from the plane, Neal stopped one of the flight attendants and requested to be one of the first to get off.

After explaining that he could not wait any longer to use the restroom, he was still refused service. That’s when he decided to take action and began crawling out of his wheelchair toward the gangway.

“I was trying to get them to understand that this is why I don’t want to wait another 15 to 20 minutes,” Neal said.

As he began making his way up the aisle to the wheelchair that was awaiting him, the flight attendants stood by and watched him as he struggled.

“I expected them to ask to assist me, but they just stared,” he said.

Upon arriving, he then had to wait for an aisle chair, due to the company mistakenly removing it.

Incidents like this should never happen. Every passenger on a plane pays and deserves to be treated with decency and respect. As professionals, the attendants on the plane should have stopped Neal or offered him some assistance instead of standing by.

The particular attendants that refused service and stood to the side should be demoted to a station in the airport because of their lack of customer service. Even though the company has apologized, it should also make the flight attendants apologize as well, and something like this should never happen again.