Pit Bulls: An Unnatural Aggression
Pit Bulls are not as violent as people think.
October 22, 2015
Many people believe that Pitbulls, a type of dog breed, are naturally violent and will snap at anyone who gets near them. Because of certain incidents over the years, this issue has become a heated debate and causes many people to disagree on whether or not these dogs are naturally violent or if they are trained and raised to be that way by their owners.
Aggression is defined as a forceful and sometimes overly-assertive pursuit of one’s aims and interests and can be a natural part of any dog’s nature. From a puppy to an adult, most dogs will be playful and want to rough-house. This does not mean that they are going to grow up to be violent and likely to attack innocent victims.
Even though many people believe violence is something that is naturally bred in the dog, they fail to realize it’s actually how the dog is raised and how they are treated. For example, if a dog is mistreated and taught that violence is acceptable, then they will always think this way. However, if a dog is properly cared for, loved, and taught right from wrong, then the dog will grow up knowing how to act around others.
Barkpost.com states that pit bulls are actually one of the “nicest” dog breeds, compared to golden retrievers, German Sheppard’s, boxers and many more. This shows that pit bulls are indeed not as aggressive as some would like to think.
A simple solution to decrease the number of pit bull attacks would be for the owners of the more aggressive dogs to keep them fenced in at all times and not allow them to be easily accessed by people or other animals that may trigger their aggression.
Those who may have been quick to judge all pit bulls because of other incidents need to realize that there are also pit bulls out there who would never hurt someone and who have been trained to be loving and nurturing – not mean and aggressive. It’s not the breed that is at fault – it is the owner.