One Act Play Claims Area Championship
The One Act Play cast and crew won first place in the Area round of competition.
April 21, 2015
On Saturday, April 18, the One Act Play cast and crew competed in the Area round and brought home the first place spot from all three of the judges, as well as quite a few individual awards.
Senior Rebecca Stanford received Best Actress and senior Triston Stringer was awarded Best Actor. Senior Alex Borel received All-Star Cast and Honorable mention All-Star Cast honors went to seniors Shannon Boozer and Aaron Rose. Sophomore Dalen Jones received Best Tech and Best Female Tech was given to Amanda Warner.
“It feels pretty great (to take first place), since none of us have ever done I before, and to know that all the hard work this year has paid off,” Stringer said.
Anyone who has seen this play called “Epic Proportions” knows that it is a comedy that keeps its viewers laughing from start to finish.
“One of my favorite parts about One Act this year is how fun Epic Proportions is,” Warner said. “It’s so exciting to watch and be a part of. The show never gets boring.”
According to Warner, the rehearsal route normally consists of the cast changing into their costumes and applying their stage makeup, running the show as their director, Cory Broom, takes notes.
“We always get really good notes and he gives us things to improve on,” she said.
Stringer said the crew faces many challenges, such as rough days, adversity with judges and dealing with biased opinions.
“At the beginning, one of our biggest challenges were the quick changes,” Warner said. “Some are less than 30 seconds. It didn’t take very long for us to master them but at first it was difficult.”
Before every performance, Warner said the entire cast and crew runs through the show to double check that everything is set and that everyone is ready. After all preparations are taken care of, they pray together and thank God for bringing them together to do what they do for His glory.
“I prepare by doing vocal warm-ups, getting my mind right and focusing on the character I’m trying to portray,” Stringer said.
The One Act Play group will be competing at the Regional level on Wednesday, April 22, and if they advance, they will then compete at State.
“The cast is fantastic,” Warner said. “They’re so much fun to work with. We all work really well together. We are truly a family.”