UIL Academic Team Claims District Championship
The UIL Academic Team brought home the 2015 District Championship this past weekend.
April 13, 2015
This past Saturday, April 11, the UIL Academic teams competed in the District meet at Orangefield High School and brought home the District Championship.
This year, LCM changed to district 4A-24, causing sports and other extra curricular activities to compete against different schools that they normally have in previous years.
“As the ‘new kids’ it feels awesome to step in and snatch the title,” UIL Mathematics sponsor and math teacher Jeff Collier said. “It shows we set the bar high.”
In a tight race between LCM and Orangefield all day for the award of Sweepstakes, LCM came out on top in the final three events, Persuasive and Informative speaking, Social Studies and Computer Science.
The results of the meet are as follows:
In accounting, Samir Abraham received sixth place and LCM got second place team.
In Computer Science, John Comeaux took first place, Shri Murphy placed fourth, Jonas English came in sixth place and they took first place team.
In Cross Examination Debate, the team of Sam Ross and Amaan Tejani came in third place and the team of Matthew Cox and Spencer Johns received fourth place.
In Current Issues, Spencer Johns took second place individual and led the team to first place.
In Headline Writing, Izzy Echartea got fifth place and Camden Leleux came in sixth.
In Informative Speaking, Jacob Rouse received sixth place.
In the Lincoln Douglas Debate, Emily Erb took fourth place.
In Literary Criticism, Aaron Rose was awarded fifth place, helping the LCM team to third place.
In Mathematics, Shri Murphy won first place, Thomas King received second, Clint Jordan came in fourth and the team took first place.
In News Writing, Valen Elliott was awarded first place and Wendy Cates took sixth.
In Number Sense, Thomas King got first place, Clint Jordan came in second, Dallas Stewart took fifth and the team came out first.
In Persuasive Speaking, Sam Ross got sixth place and Emily Erb took third.
Tyler Regan took first in Prose Interpretation, Triston Stringer came in third and Connor Alexander took fourth.
In Ready Writing, Aaron Rose took first and Sam Ross came in sixth.
In Speech, the LCM team received first place.
In Poetry Interpretation, Alex Borel was awarded first place and Mariah Blair took third.
According to Journalism sponsor Lindsey Fruge, it takes a special kind of student to participate in UIL – it must be someone who is dedicated and willing to spend their Saturdays competing. She also said she is very proud of her first place winner in News Writing, sophomore Valen Elliott.
“It felt great to have all my hard work pay off and be recognized in what I love to do,” Elliott said.