Sophomore Becomes YouTube Personality
Sophomore Connor Alexander has become a popular YouTube personality.
Many people may dream about making videos and having a huge fan base on their YouTube channel, but for sophomore Connor Alexander, it’s not a dream. It’s a reality.
Alexander, who is 16 years old, has his own YouTube channel and has been creating and posting entertaining videos with the help of friends since July 2014. He said the inspiration to create his channel came after watching people like Connor Franta and Tyler Oakley’s videos. He thought creating videos of his own would be cool and fun and currently has over 30 videos posted on his channel.
Video-making can be a time consuming activity and Alexander balances this hobby with all of the honors classes and extra-curricular activities he is involved in, such as Theater and Grizzly Crew.
“It takes about an hour to film and at least an hour to edit,” he said. “I make the videos the weekend before and edit them throughout the week and post them on Mondays.”
Alexander said he gets his ideas by looking at things and trying to figure out how to make them into a video. He also said filming videos can sometimes get frustrating and can seem like more of a hassle, but he tends to focus on the rewarding aspects of it.
“Collaborating and making videos with my friends is the most fun ever,” he said. “It creates kind of a video journal of your life to look back on and laugh.”

Facts about myself:
I'm a junior and I play soccer and tennis. Also I currently hold the position of sports editor.