Twins Make Working Out a Career
Working out is not just a hobby for these 21-year old twins.
For most young adults, working out is simply a hobby. Many may enjoy winding down with a long run after a hectic day or lift weights to relieve stress. For 21-year old twins Danielle and Deanna Inzano, it’s a different story. At a young age, they have already managed to turn their love of working out into a career.
According to the twins, it all started about a year and a half ago when a friend asked if they would help model some Nike gear. He then took the picture and posted it to his fitness Twitter account.
“We were getting so much positive feedback so we were like ‘oh okay, maybe this could work for us!’ Danielle said. “We gained a couple thousand followers and then bigger accounts would retweet or repost that picture.”
With the twins’ newfound publicity, they became even more motivated and the gym started to become somewhat of a second home. Deanna was the one that was always in the gym and she soon pushed her sister to start going with her.
“Once we started seeing results, we knew it was possible so we posted pictures of our new bodies and girls everywhere started asking us what we did to look the way we do,” Danielle said.
For Deanna, her inspiration is fitness trainer and model Jen Selter. As for Danielle, she believes her inspiration comes purely from her sister.
Many people wonder how they accomplish the goals they have set for themselves with such a busy schedule. They start off a normal weekday with school that lasts until 2 p.m., then grab lunch and go to the gym until 5 p.m. and after that they spend time catching up on schoolwork. Any free time they have is dedicated to making, editing and uploading pictures and videos to their social media accounts. They also spend their weekends working as part-time hostesses at a restaurant.
“Between school Monday-Friday and work on the weekends, we don’t put even close to the amount that a lot of social media famous people do,” Deanna said.
As the two have promoted their efforts to work out and inspire other people through networking, they have since been signed to a contract for Ape Athletics.
“We kind of look to the guy who runs it as our mentor because he really did push us to where we are and he continued to do that for us,” Deanna said. “Getting paid to wear clothes – it doesn’t get much better than that.”
The girls believe that being sponsored by Ape Athletics is a benefit in itself, from receiving free clothes to having a ‘family’ always there to support them.
“(We) get to be represented by a fantastic brand,” Danielle said. “We have our own little Ape family that can help with any workout questions and help motivate each other.”
In addition to the money that comes in from Ape Athletics, the sisters also sell their own merchandise. Although they may not have many products available just yet, they manage to sell a good bit and put 90 percent of their profits into savings.
“Not a lot of 21 year old’s can say they’re sponsored by a clothing company with a salary but compared to what we can really do, it’s just the start,” Deanna said.
According to Danielle, they want to save up and keep money for whatever crazy things will happen in the future.
With their merchandise business already in the picture, they are stepping closer to their future goal. Currently they are studying business management at Florida Gulf Coast University in hopes that one day they will be able to own and open their own gym or start a clothing line.
Though they have a sponsorship and merchandise, they are planning to release a starter guide that will include meal tips for people.
“We’re not professionals so everything we put out is legit what we do in the gym and a lot of people judge us for that because its not the way they do it,” Deanna said. “I think that’s what makes us different. We’re real people with real results that we just want to share with the world.”
According to Danielle, she never really knew what she wanted to do as a career until she and her sister started down this path.
“To finally find something I’m good at and at the same time be able to do what I love as a career is the greatest reward,” she said.

I am a musician; I play the piano and sing for my youth band at FBC Orange. I am in the Pit/ Front Ensemble for the LCM Battlin' Bear Band where I am the...
Kirty Weatherly • Mar 5, 2015 at 1:10 pm
i’ll be more famous than them one day