Staff Members Share Thoughts on Valentine’s Day
Every February 14th, couples around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day, known as the day of romance and love. They buy their significant others over the top gifts and go out of their way for each other. But where does this tradition come from and why is it only known to be celebrated by couples?
There are many legends that tell the origin of Valentine’s Day. One legend is based on St. Valentine a priest for the Catholic Church during the third century in Rome. During this time an emperor had outlawed marriage for young men because single soldiers were better than married soldiers. Valentine knew the injustice of the decree and continued marrying young couples in secret. When his actions were found out, the emperor ordered Valentine to be killed.
Although Valentine’s Day is rooted in this legend and many others, the true meaning of Valentine’s Day does not prevail in today’s society. Valentine’s Day is talked about as if it is only meant for couples. Some people often call this holiday “Single Awareness Day” when that couldn’t be more wrong. Today’s Valentine’s Day should be about telling people how much you love them, whether that be a friend, family member, or significant other. We should all be showing the same love that Valentine had for young couples looking to be a family. Valentine didn’t just show love for a significant other, but for strangers.
Valentine’s Day is so commercialized, and quite honestly a day that companies can make a lot of money. It is estimated that Americans will spend $18.9 billion this year alone for Valentine’s Day. Just for cards, a total of $145 million will be spent. Most of these gifts being bought are gifts that people will lose after a week or two. This has all came to be this way because of the pressure from society and advertising. Valentine’s day has just become a money making day instead of a day to tell about love.
There is no denying that many people have fell into these pressures from society. Many people would like to have a boyfriend or girlfriend in time for Valentine’s Day so we don’t spend the day “alone and sad.” When we finally get a valentine, we spend money on flowers that will die or corny cards that will be lost. Not to mention how overpriced this stuff is, when the next day all of it will be half price. These cliche gifts are simply not the way to properly go about telling someone you love them. Go out to dinner, hang out, do something with great personal significance instead of just buying what looks nice.

I'm a senior and serve as the editor of the newspaper! I am drum major in the LCM Marching Band and also play the flute. I love spending time with family...

So obviously you know my name is JoLynn, so let's get to the random stuff you don't know and probably don't want to know. I'm a sophomore and you can call...