Sports Editor Expresses Her Opinion On Littering
One of my biggest pet peeves is when I see people litter. It literally drives me crazy; it’s really not that hard to throw something away. I don’t understand when someone is just driving down the road and they insist on throwing something out their window. Clearly, you are driving somewhere and wherever you are going will have a trash can and if not, then it’s not that big of deal for it to stay in your car until you can throw it away.
Two years ago I was in my friend’s car where they had a chocolate milk carton and a box of donuts. She was complaining about how dirty her car was so that’s when she rolled down her window and threw the donut box and chocolate milk carton out. When I looked back I saw the carton and box had landed in someone’s front yard. It infuriated me because now those random people have to pick up someone else’s trash, because someone else was too lazy to find a trash can.
If you’re one of those people who litter, all you’re doing is causing harm to the environment and making other people suffer from your laziness. When you litter, you’re taking away from the beauty of the environment and causing destruction to it.

Facts about myself:
I'm a junior and I play soccer and tennis. Also I currently hold the position of sports editor.