Choir Concert to be held on Thursday
The LCM Choir will be performing in its annual Christmas concert on Thursday, Dec. 11 in the auditorium.
At the concert all choirs will be performing. The choirs consist of treble, tenor and bass, chamber and pop choir. They will be performing many classics such as: Christmas Time is Here from Charlie Brown, Variations of Jingle Bells, You’re a mean one Mr. Grinch, Silver Bells, Blue Christmas and more.
All choirs will be performing individually, but there will also be other features to the concert, including quite a few soloists: Alex Saucier, Chase Courtier, Caitlyn Sulak, Colton Atkins, and Hannah Hodges.
There will also be speaking parts performed by Aaron Rose, Tyler Bush, Patrick Coleman- Bell, and Tyler Bush. Sound and lights will be done by Canyon Cassidy and Shannon Boozer.

So obviously you know my name is JoLynn, so let's get to the random stuff you don't know and probably don't want to know. I'm a sophomore and you can call...