“Chemical Imbalance” to show Saturday and Sunday
On Saturday, Dec. 6 and Sunday, Dec. 7, the Bear Stage players will present their second fall play: “Chemical Imbalance.”
The dark comedy set in Victorian England focuses on the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and the struggles Dr. Jekyll faces as his experiments threaten to reveal the true character of the British Empire.
“A fast paced romp about men and woman tightrope walking the line between aristocracy and depravity, and between the twin specters. of good and evil,” Theatre Director Cory Broom said.
The students come together to work on performing a dark but comedic play based on Robert Louis Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, spending class time rehearsing an energy and time consuming play.
“The play is of a very high degree of difficulty,” Broom said. “It’s extremely fast paced and requires a great amount of energy from the cast at all times.”
The Stage Players are known for their successes, but as Broom says, it takes a lot of work. The play previously performed was very serious, but Chemical Imbalance is the total opposite of being a dark comedy. One can imagine the difference and difficulties in these plays must help the cast to grow as actors.
“They (the actors) have definitely been stretched from one end of the spectrum to the other this semester,” Broom said. “They have shown great skill and worked very hard, growing and maturing significantly along the way.”
All together, the Bear Stage Players work so hard to do what they love and put on performances. They work as a team and even help each other work past frustrations.
“The students come together as an ensemble and persevere, Broom said. “Students pick up slack in different areas when needed. Many of the older actors will assist the younger actors with difficulties and they also provide leadership throughout the run.”

So obviously you know my name is JoLynn, so let's get to the random stuff you don't know and probably don't want to know. I'm a sophomore and you can call...