LCM High School Bond Update
Administrators break ground at the junior high. Construction is set to begin at the high school in a couple of months.
In May of 2013 the LCM School District tried for a second time to pass a multi-million dollar bond to repair many of the major problems with each of the district campuses. The bond passed and many of the students and teachers were happy to be getting improvements on their campuses.
There are only a few buildings that are fairly new and in good working order at the high school. According to Assistant Superintendent Greg Perry, the plan is to start on the administration area and the new gym. The cafeteria, library, and restrooms are also in dire need of renovating.
“During the summer, the library, restrooms, and cafeteria should be demolished so that construction in the classrooms in the center of the school can begin,” Perry said.
After those are demolished, the major work will begin on building new classrooms in the center of school. This is estimated to take around two years.
Most of the plans for the high school have been completed, but have been put into motion just yet not until the engineers have completed the electrical plans. Once they get those finished, they will go out for the proposals. If the proposals are within budget, then the construction will start. If not, they will have to work with the construction manager to do things to reduce the costs. Once the project is within budget, it can start. These steps may take several months, therefore it is still a good while before things will get started and students will begin seeing any major changes on campus.

So obviously you know my name is JoLynn, so let's get to the random stuff you don't know and probably don't want to know. I'm a sophomore and you can call...

I'm a senior and serve as the editor of the newspaper! I am drum major in the LCM Marching Band and also play the flute. I love spending time with family...