“Graduate for Mas” Program Encourages Students
Graduation is a top priority for schools and now students can benefit from helping people graduate with Taco Bell’s “Graduate for Mas” event.
By setting up platforms for students to promise to graduate, there are multiple tiers of rewards to win, such as having a celebrity as principal for a day. To take part, simply round up the largest amount of promises via any means necessary, and send them in to the address at getschooled.com/graduateformas/
The first round of the contest takes place from Oct. 6 to Dec. 5 and will offer regional winners a $1,000 cash grant and the top scoring national winner will receive a $5,000 cash grant, and a school wide dance party, complete with DJ.
The second round is from Jan.5 to Feb. 27, and will receive the same rewards as the first round.
The third round is from March 9 to May 1, and all top scoring regional winners will be awarded with a $1,000 cash grant, and the top scoring nation winner will receive $10,000 and a celebrity principal for a day,
For more information, visit getschooled.com/graduateformas/

Some things about myself,
I'm a Junior, I play saxophone and bassoon, and am part of the LCM Newspaper Staff, specifically holding the position of advertisement...