District to Hold Groundbreaking Ceremonies
In order to prepare for upcoming construction on LCM campuses, two groundbreaking ceremonies have been scheduled. The MMS and MVE schools will have their ceremony on May 28 at 3 p.m and the LCI and LCE campuses are set for June 3 at 1 p.m. The groundbreaking ceremony for the junior high and high school campuses has currently not been set.
According to LCMCISD Community Relations Coordinator Sherry Combs, the district staff has been invited to attend, as well as the Board of Trustees, the Campus Improvement Committees, District Improvement Committee, Chamber of Commerce, the media and the general public.
“We see it as the kickoff to the building phase when the public can actually see the progress being made,” Combs said. “A lot has been happening behind the scenes, refining the buildings’ blueprints with the architect, interviewing and hiring the contractors, collecting bids on the work to be done, selling the bonds, which actually fund the construction, and much more.”
Assistant Superintendent Greg Perry will be speaking at the ceremonies about the schedule for the project, where he will discuss the details of the rebuilding process.
“There has been a lot of planning going on for the past couple of years to get ready for the remodel and construction,” Perry said. “Each campus has a committee made up of teachers and administrators who have been meeting with the architect to determine needs and plan the facilities. On the district’s website, we keep an ongoing status update on the bond page to keep folks informed of what has been going on each month.”
The high school’s construction is expected to begin this summer and is estimated to be completed in 2016. According to Perry, construction will begin next year starting on the areas that will be outside the existing building (the new administration area and the new gym.)
“The reason for that change is that with the delay, the things being demolished could not be torn down during the summer, and we did not want demolition going on during school,” Perry said. “Therefore, students will still be able to use the quadrangle sidewalks next year, and those things should be demolished as soon as school is out at the end of next school year.”

I am a musician; I play the piano and sing for my youth band at FBC Orange. I am in the Pit/ Front Ensemble for the LCM Battlin' Bear Band where I am the...