Powerlifters Advance to State Meet
The power of a lifter is great and mighty, with his or her mind set on the prize. For senior Troy Angelo and sophomore Courtney Price, this sport is more than a hobby; it is a way of life.
Angelo has been in Powerlifting for all four years and has competed in a total of 26 meets, including the State meet, where he claimed the State Championship.
“My favorite part about Powerlifting is winning,” Angelo said. “It feels good to be all of the hard work I put in to the gym pay off at the meet.”
According to Angelo, the gold medal that he will get to wear around his neck is his motivation for every meet.
“I chose to be in Powerlifting to get bigger and stronger,” he said. “It just went from there.”
Price has been in Powerlifting for two years and this was her second time to advance to the the State meet.
“The biggest highlight for me was making it to State for my second year and placing five spots higher than last year,” she said.
According to Price, Powerlifting is one of those mental sports, in which requires a lot of hard work and determination.
“I motivate myself by thinking of the hard work I put into training and saying a prayer before each lift,” she said. “Every athlete has good and bad days. With Powerlifting being a mental sport, the hardest part is not letting fear and simply your emotions take over after a mistake or bad lift, because that will affect your performance.”
Price said that during her freshman year, all her friends and family talked her into giving the sport a shot.
“I went in thinking it would be good to lift weights and tone up some, especially because I was also involved in cheer, but at my first meet I was asked to train at a private gym and since then I loved the sport,” she said.

I am a musician; I play the piano and sing for my youth band at FBC Orange. I am in the Pit/ Front Ensemble for the LCM Battlin' Bear Band where I am the...