Bear of the Week: Caleb Hamilton

Sophomore Caleb Hamilton has a passion for music and is a member of the Battlin’ Bear Band.

Sophomore Caleb Hamilton is a member of the Battlin’ Bear Band, where he plays on the drumline and also in the wind ensemble. He is also a member of Bear Believers, and he is active in his church as a guitarist.

Hamilton enjoys music and said it is one of his biggest passions. He likes playing his guitar, the piano, and sometimes even his drumset.

“I also love having an extensive knowledge on somewhat obscure and strange (but interesting) topics,” Hamilton said. “Above all, I love spending time with friends and making people laugh.”

In the future, he would like to have a career as a family physician – not just for the money, but for the relations built with other people. He would also like to continue being active in church and to never let that slip.

Hamilton said his mom is his biggest inspiration, without a shadow of a doubt.

“She was always there for me and taught me the importance of communicating my ideas and wants,” Hamilton said. “Above all else, though, she molded me into the person that I am today. I was incredibly lucky to have had someone such as her.”

One of his favorite quotes comes from his mom, in fact: “Don’t let the little stuff get you down.”

Hamilton also said he has been motivated by several different people in the short 16 years he has lived.

“My parents have instilled an ideology of hard work and persistence,” Hamilton said. “This school year especially has motivated me enough to stomp back on the procrastination that I’ve always had difficulty with. My band directors and instructors I’ve had have reinforced my love for music and my drive to always know more.”

According to Hamilton, he has a soft spot in his heart for all of his classes and each has its own positive aspects.

“However, math (more so algebra), always reigns supreme,” Hamilton said. “Math has always, and will always, be my favorite. Mrs. LeBoeuf has also made everything exponentially better and there’s a very good reason why she won her award.”

According to LeBoeuf, Hamilton is just an overall great kid.

“He’s always polite and genuinely nice,” LeBoeuf said. “He pays attention and works really hard in class. His grades are exceptionally high in all of his classes. He is an amazing young man.”