A dance to remember
Winter Formal to be held this Saturday
Photo courtesy of Jeannie Alexander
At last year’s Winter Formal, the DJ from Houston was a huge hit and kept the party going.
January 12, 2023
Winter Formal is a time for all high school students to come together and relax as the new semester begins. This event, hosted by the Interact Club, offers various activities for students such as dancing, visiting friends, taking pictures, and making long-lasting memories.
This year’s Winter Formal will be held Saturday, Jan. 14 at the high school cafeteria.
According to Interact sponsor Jeannie Alexander, the people behind the scenes at the formal try to transform the cafeteria into a place where students can truly get immersed in the dance.
“We try to transform our cafeteria with a partition wall to shrink the space,” Alexander said. “Lights are strung around the dance floor and there are a few decorated tables.”
Along with the atmosphere created by Alexander and many others, there are several places that students can take pictures.
“Multiple backdrops are created so that students can take pictures with their friends,” Alexander said. “Additionally, we rent a 360-video photo booth to add to the experience.”
Alexander said that Winter Formal is different from prom, in the aspect that the formal is intended to be a low-stress environment. Students do not need to bring limos, flowers, or dates. The formal’s intention is to merely have students make great memories with friends in a lighthearted environment.
According to Alexander, she came up with the idea of bringing Winter Formal to LCM when her sons talked about how much fun they had at other school’s winter formals. She wanted students here to have an experience that they otherwise would not have.
“We hope all our students come out and enjoy a fun night with us,” Alexander said.
The dance lasts from 8:30-11:00 p.m. and the doors will be locked at 9:15 with no entries allowed after that time.