New store offers free items for students
Librarian Melanie Claybar created a Bear Necessities store, which offers personal items students may need.
August 30, 2022
The “Bear Necessities,” located under the big clock in the library, is a new support system for anyone in need of personal items throughout the school day. The LCM High School librarian, Melanie Claybar, brought this idea to life this school year. The Bear Necessities, which offers such items as toiletries, are available all day and are accessible to all students and faculty.
“I saw other librarians posting on social media with similar ideas and thought it would be a great addition to our library,” Claybar said. “I created a DonorsChoose project and it was funded this summer!”
Claybar said she plans to keep this open for as long as possible. That being said, she must also be able to keep it stocked.
“Right now, we have stock from the DonorsChoose project,” she said. “We have had a great response from the community offering to send donations and I plan to create a wish list so anyone can contribute to our inventory.”
The Bear Necessities has all types of everyday needs. Students and staff can find anything from toothpaste to safety pins.
“It’s really for everyone – if you woke up late and forgot deodorant or have garlic breath after lunch,” Claybar said. “Having a bad hair day? We have hair ties and combs. Students don’t have to ask, just grab what you need when you need it.”
The library contains an abundance of information. It is for learning, but also a place to feel safe and relaxed. Claybar plans to further her ideas for meeting students’ everyday needs.
“I want the library to be a safe, comfortable space for students, so I have some projects in the works for puzzles, coloring stations, and other stress and sensory relief options,” Claybar said. “With this project, I hope to ease some of the stress students have when lacking these products and contribute to their overall social-emotional needs.”
The Bear Necessities is open in hopes of helping the high school community, as well as impacting the lives of others simply by having whatever it is that they need.
“Many times, students are embarrassed to ask for these items,” Claybar said. “I wanted to create a basic necessities station for students to take what they need, when they need it, with no questions asked.”