Girls track coach leads team to success
Girls track coach Becca Peveto (back row, far left) led her team to a second place finish at district this year.
May 19, 2022
Head girls track coach Becca Peveto has switched out her red and white for green and gold this year, as she has transitioned from her role as a Lady Cardinal Volleyball coach to a Lady Bear Track coach. In her first year as the girls track coach, she helped lead the team to a second place district finish and coached five regional qualifiers. Behind the accomplishments of the Lady Bears who had so much success this season was a coach who pushed them to go above and beyond.
Peveto has previously lived in the district, but transitioned to coach at the school because she believed that it would be a better fit for her. She said she had a desire to face change in order to grow as a person and as a coach.
“I believe that no coach can ever learn too much, so I am constantly educating myself in areas that I feel additional knowledge is needed,” Peveto said. “I wholeheartedly love everything about being a track coach.”
According to Peveto, she loves coaching kids in general and has a passion for helping others.
“What makes track very special for me to coach is because it’s a sport where size isn’t a deciding factor when being successful,” Peveto said. “I love that as a track and field participant, you control your own destiny. In my opinion, seeing kids achieve greatness because of the hard work and effort they have put in is the most satisfying thing as a coach.”
Peveto said she believes her team had an incredible season this year. According to her, it was the athletes themselves who made themselves better. She tried to instill her own passion for track in them and do everything in her power to make them believe in themselves. She believes that the key to having a successful season is positive motivation and an extra side of love.
“I think this team had an incredible season,” Peveto said. “They gave it their all and should be extremely proud of what they accomplished this year. I know I am!”