Is Body Modification Negatively Stereotyped or a Form of Self-Expression?
Tattoos and piercings are becoming an even bigger trend, although people who get them seem unaware of the obstacles they may face in the workplace community and society in general. It is definitely a subject of contemplation, yet some people may just jump into the process of body modification without any conscious thought. However, at the same time, many people find a large amount of self expression through getting tattoos and other body piercings.
A controversial issue concerning this subject is if teens fall into this category of mere self-expression, or if they are mindless and view themselves invincible; unaware of the consequences that body modification can have in many aspects of adult life. As a growing trend, tattoos and piercings are becoming more popular among young people. But do teens have the knowledge to be responsible enough to maintain body modification? The process of the many modifications one can make upon oneself can be extremely dangerous to that person’s health. When you simply get your ears pierced, you are required to maintain cleanliness specific to the piercing. Having multiple piercings may be too much to handle for a teen who has several other, and more important, responsibilites.
Disregarding health issues, there are other concerns for young people who choose to get tattoos and piercings because of the educational system and workplace community. One of the well known dress code rules at school is to cover up any visible tattoos and to remove any visible piercings. A high school student spends five days a week at school. Why go through the process of body modiciation when you have to deal with the concerns of covering them up or removing them? Also, if a young person chooses he or she would like a job, they are more than likely required to cover up their tattoos and remove their piercings as well.
On the other hand, many young adults go through the painful process of body modification as a way to express themselves. 22-year old Heather Ledet agrees, saying that tattoos and piercings are an outer expression of her inner self.
Many tattoos may have a significant meaning behind them, which shows that self expression is most definitely evident in some people’s characters.
Whether you choose to get a tattoo or a piercing, be aware of the consequences and possible regret, while deciding the best way to express yourself.

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