Sophomore balances mascot life with marching band

Photo courtesy of Jose Ochoa

Sophomore Alexis Chisum splits her time between performing as the mascot and marching with the band.

LeAnn Rodgers, Writer

Watching the band march is entertaining for many, as well as watching the mascots play out their skits and hype up the crowd. What most people do not realize is that this year, they have been watching the same student do both on Friday nights. This fall, sophomore Alexis Chisum spent her time as one of the Bear mascots and also as part of the Battlin’ Bear marching band.

Chisum has been a member of band since the 6th grade. In the past five years, she said she has had some of the best experiences and memories. She has played French horn for five years and marched mellophone for two.

“Band has always had my back and paid off my hard work,” Chisum said. “It definitely requires time and skills, but surprisingly, good social skills. Band has given given me some of my best friends and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.”

This is Chisum’s first year as the high school mascot but she was also mascot for two years in junior high. She said being mascot requires a creative mind, playful soul, and no shame in “acting a fool.”

“Just remember, as mascot, you represent the school,” she said. “For me, it’s so easy to show how amazing LCM is. People wouldn’t expect how fun it can be performing a skit or dancing under the stadium lights. Do not underestimate how much water you will drink, though.”

Chisum is currently gearing up to perform with the band at marching contest this Saturday and is hopeful that her hard work on and off the field will pay off, even though splitting her time has sometimes been a challenge.

“Band and mascot may be a hassle to juggle, but marching in mascot clothes or hearing the band cheer for me as a mascot is definitely the best,” she said.