Girls basketball to host Free Throw-a-Thon

October 18, 2019
The girls basketball program will host the third annual school-wide Free Throw-a-Thon at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19 in The Grove gymnasium.
According to head coach Eddie Michalko, the purpose of this event is to raise money for any equipment, food, or shirts the girls may need throughout this school year. The Free Throw-a-Thon is open to the public; however, only girls that have tried out for LCM Basketball may participate. Others who wish to help raise money can choose to sponsor players.
“The most I have ever seen made was by a player that had over 40 sponsors and was paid $25 for each free throw made,” Michalko said. “She made 94 out of 100 shots.”
This year, the expected number of participants is 35 girls, compared to the 20 that participated last year. As a result of this event, the girls will receive practice in shooting free throws that will benefit them in live games as well as an opportunity to raise money for their basketball team.
“Honestly, I’m just super excited to raise money this year, and see the turnout of this year’s event,” senior Melanie Cupp said.
Due to recent flooding, this event will only have shooting competitions; however, next year they hope to expand it to a 3-point contest and concessions.