High school houses middle school after storm

Photo courtesy of Mauriceville Middle School Facebook page

The students and teachers of Mauriceville Middle School have been on the high school campus for two weeks now.

Kaila Low, Writer

The staff and students of Mauriceville Middle School have temporarily relocated to the high school campus after Tropical Storm Imelda caused the campus to flood for the second time in two years. The higher places in the school took on around two inches of water, while the lower parts of the school took on about 16 inches.

As of right now, the students and staff expected to be on the high school campus for about six to eight weeks.

“Mr. DuBose and his staff have been so welcoming and helpful,” MMS English teacher Megan Brewer said of working on the high school campus. “It is certainly an adventure.”

Just a few months ago, MMS students were learning in trailers and teacher’s classrooms were being shared. During spring break, they moved back into the main campus after renovations and remodeling, only to be displaced only a few months later.

“Seeing my room torn apart that I just finished decorating is breaking my heart,” Brewer said. “We do our absolute best to make our classroom engaging and a second home for our students. Having that taken away is the worst feeling.”

However heartbreaking the situation may be, the teachers and students are trying to look on the positive side of things.

“It has been wonderful to see our former MMS students again,” Brewer said. “They’re so tall and grown up! All of my students have said the food served here, especially the pizza, is awesome!”