Exemption policy updated
December 7, 2018
As of this school year, the exemption policy has changed since previous years. The exemption policy is an incentive to attend school regularly, encourage students to excel in academics and have appropriate citizenship. Although, students do need to keep in mind that the exemption policy may be modified/ revoked at any time. Exemptions do not apply to any state mandated testing or to dual enrolled classes and their honors counterparts.
Juniors and seniors may automatically be given the opportunity to exempt two exams, while the sophomores and freshmen are given none. To be given this incentive, juniors and seniors must meet certain requirements which entail: having a grade average of the three six weeks in the semester of an 80 or above, having three or fewer absences during the semester per class in which all absences, excused or unexcused, except those for school related activities will count, to have not received a disciplinary action above the detention level, to have not accumulated a total of five or more tardies for any six weeks, having paid off any debts or fines owed to the school or any school-sponsored club, and lastly the student must have cleared all textbooks before examinations. Also, if any student has five or more unexcused absences in any class, then their exemptions will be lost.
Despite those requirements, all students (9-12) have the chance to earn seven additional exemptions a semester. Students may earn exemptions for having no tardies in a six weeks. The student must also have zero absences during third period in a six weeks. Both of these requirements allows one exemption per six weeks for each. Additionally, students must have no discipline referrals for the semester which allows for one exemption for the entire semester.
The semester grade for those students who are exempt will be the average of the three six weeks’ grades. Students are not required to remain on campus during the exam times for which they are exempt. Students that remain on campus must remain in supervised areas. A student eligible for exemption may take any exam for which they are exempt; however, in such cases the overall grade may be raised as a result of the exam but not lowered. Students will not check out through the front office. Students are responsible for reporting to their examinations on time.
The Final Exam Schedule for Thursday, December 20: 1st period: 7:15-8:00 Review
2nd period: 8:05-8:45 Review
3rd period: 8:50-9:35 Review
4th period: 9:40-10:25 Review
Lunch: 10:25-11:05
5th period: 11:10-12:00 Exam
6th period: 12:05-12:55 Exam
7th period: 1:00-1:50 Exam
8th period: 1:55-2:45 Exam
The Final Exam Schedule for Friday, December 21:
3rd period: 7:15-8:05
1st period: 8:10-9:00
2nd period: 9:05-9:55
4th period: 10:00-10:50
Lunch: 10:50-11:20
Buses run at 11:20