Foreign exchange student adapts to change
Caroline Haber is from Germany and is enjoying her time at LCM.
October 19, 2018
Coming all the way from Germany, junior Caroline Haber has made a new temporary home here at LCM. To learn more about her journey and choice to become a foreign exchange student, the LCM Bear Facts Staff decided to ask her some questions.
Q. Why did you want to become a foreign exchange student?
A. I wanted to become a foreign exchange student because I wanted to go on an adventure.
Q. What has been your most favorite part about America?
A. Meeting new people has been my most favorite part.
Q.What have you learned since you have been in America?
A. I’ve learned vocabulary, a lot of different information in class, life skills, and cooking skills.
Q. How is America different from your own country?
A. America is less strict and more social.
Q. Why do you want to study in the U.S.?
A. I want to get to know more than just one country and education system.
Q. Have you traveled abroad before?
A. Yes, I have traveled all around Europe.
Q. What has been the most challenging part about becoming a foreign exchange student?
A. The most difficult part is being able to be brave enough to talk to people and to get really close to them.
Q. What are you hoping to gain by being in America?
A. I’m hoping to gain experience, more friends, and self confidence.
Q. What ways would you like to get involved in our school? Do you have any interest in playing a sport or joining a club?
A. I have interest in cheerleading, Key Club, tennis, HOSA, and student council.
Q. What is your favorite subject to study in school?
A. English and health science are my favorite subjects.
Q. What do you like to do in your free time?
A. I enjoy hanging out with my friends or family.
Q. What part of your culture would you like to share with Americans?
A. I’d like to share the German language, German food, and German personality with Americans.