Student earns ‘Sophomore of the Year’ scholarship
Junior Elizabeth Johns was awarded the Walter Hurst Sophomore of the Year scholarship.
September 12, 2018
Last month, junior Elizabeth Johns won the Walter Hurst Sophomore of the Year scholarship at the weekly Kiwanis meeting. This award is a regional scholarship and Johns was picked from applicants across both Texas and Oklahoma.
“I was very surprised when I got it,” Johns said. “My parents and uncle decided not to tell me and so when we showed up at the Kiwanis meeting I had no idea what was going on. I had absolutely no idea it was me getting anything until my name was announced. Even then I looked at my mom to clarify that they had really called my name.”
Johns received $600 from the scholarship and this will help with her entrance to college one day.
“I am undecided, but my dream is to go to Baylor University, but the University of Mississippi and the University of Alabama are also possibilities,” Johns said. “I would like to become a speech pathologist and possibly minor in music.”
She is involved in choir and UIL Literary Criticism, Key Club, and Quiz Bowl, in which she holds the office position of junior captain.
“I am a member of the literary criticism team,” Johns said. “Last year we made it to Region but this year, we are aiming for State.”
After Johns was nominated to represent the school, she had to write out responses to questions about leadership and service roles she is involved in.
“I’m an overachiever,” Johns said. “I work almost unnecessarily hard on my school work, but it pays off.”