Senior parents to host Project Safe Graduation

Emily Glover, Writer

Instead of student-run events with alcohol and/or drugs, a few parents of the senior class are hosting Project Safe Graduation – a fun, safe, alcohol and drug-free event for seniors to celebrate their high school graduation. The celebration will be held on Saturday, June 2 at the Orange County Expo Center from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Any member of the graduating class of 2018 is able to attend at no cost, although each senior has the option to bring a guest under 18 for $100. Seniors may arrive as late as 10 p.m., but will not be admitted after that time. They may leave at any time; however, seniors cannot be readmitted.

“We hope that students make some memories and enjoy their last night together as a class,” PSG sponser Jennifer Wilson said.

There are many activities planned for the seniors to enjoy their evening. Some examples include: outdoor laser-tag, a 12′ movie screen, a mobile game truck, a karaoke contest, a visit from a hypnotist, a mechanical bull, a poker and washer tournament, and much more. There will be lots of food, prizes for winning games and contests, door prizes, goody bags, and hourly giveaways. If anyone leaves early, they forfeit all prizes.

“It is our privilege to provide them this celebration party,” Wilson said.

An Orange County deputy will be on the premises for the entirety of the event. Seniors may only bring their cell phone, a pillow, and a blanket. If for some reason a student needs to bring a purse or bag inside, it will be searched. All chaperones will be parents or guardians of the graduating seniors.

“Excellent behavior is expected,” Wilson said. “Anything less will result in being asked to leave and escorted out by the deputy.”

A signed waiver is required for admittance, allowing sponsers to purchase food, prizes, and goody bags. If a senior is not yet 18, their parents must sign. Waivers are due no later than May 18. These forms have been emailed out to all class of 2018 parents. Staff members Heather Ferguson and Toni Warnell have waivers that students may pick up and return to them. If students turn the form in late, they are not guaranteed admittance. If anyone has any questions or concerns they can email the board at or they can call Wilson directly at 409-988-6417.

“I’m looking forward to the good times and smiling faces of happy seniors who just achieved a major milestone in their life,” Wilson said.