Student achieves life-long goal
Senior J’Lon Douglas signed to the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor to play football.
April 12, 2018
On April 2, senior J’Lon Douglas signed to play football for the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (UMHB). Douglas has been preparing for this moment his entire football career. Through hard work and dedication, he was able to rise above everything to achieve his biggest goal.
“I’ve been playing football my entire life,” Douglas said. “Sports are a big part of my life on both sides of my family. So when I signed off to UMHB, I felt great; a lot of stress was relieved. I did something people said I couldn’t do.”
Growing up surround by sports, Douglas was no stranger to the game, but that’s not what sparked his love for football.
“At first the attention I got from playing is what got me hooked,” Douglas said. “I became noticed a lot from adults and my peers but what really made me stick with it is the little kids that looked up to me.”
Douglas said he hopes this signing will continue to open doors and keep him moving forward. He plans to stay on top of his grades and work on making every day greater than the last, in hopes of furthering his football career.
“This signing has inspired me to work hard and motivated me to drive to overcome any challenge that comes my way,” Douglas said. “I plan to be playing football as a job in the future and hopefully this will get me that far.”
Starting out, Douglas said not too many people had faith in him and his football abilities. Learning how to rise above those who doubted him has motivated Douglas to get to where he is.
“I had it very hard and rough when I came into sports,” Douglas said. “Everyone pushed and picked on me because I wasn’t always a good athlete, so I had to work harder. I did a lot that no one else did. You have to have faith, confidence and enthusiasm to overcome anything you want to achieve. Prayer will get you a lot in life and lead you down the right path.”