Bears save the day
Special feature of Bear of The Week
Senior Jonee Villanueva and junior Renna Toomey saved the school from potential fire.
March 22, 2018
Sometimes being at the right place at the right time can pay off in the biggest way. This was the case for junior Renna Toomey and senior Jonee Villanueva when they saved the school from disaster Sunday night.
Toomey and Villanueva were at the school softball field practicing batting with Toomey’s father when they discovered that an electrical box on the exterior of the school was on fire.
“As we were hitting we saw a transformer sparking on the side closest to Bear Path, so we didn’t think anything about it,” Villanuvea said. “We heard a loud explosion coming from the back of the school. At this point we had no idea what was going on, until we saw the smoke in the air and immediately told [Toomey’s] dad.”
While the girls ran over to the field house to get a better look to see exactly where the fire was coming from, Toomey’s father called 911 and over 20 firefighters quickly responded.
“When the fire chief arrived he asked me if I could call someone to get the doors open, and I thought, maybe Stacey Smith has a key,” Toomey said.
Smith, the activities director, happened to be inside of the school with her Student Council students working on a project. Everyone was able to evacuate safely and since the fire was on the exterior of the building, no one was injured.
Both Toomey and Villanueva said they were glad they were able to help save the school from a potentially devastating fire.
“We’ve been through so much this school year,” Villauneva said. “From snow to floods and what could have been a major fire. It’s just a good feeling to know that we were able to help save our school from at least one unforeseen event.”