The struggle for equality
Sophomore staff writer Rylee LeVasseur believes in equality for all.
March 7, 2018
Since the beginning of mankind, women have been seen as inferior and not equals to the opposite sex. The word “woman” has the incorrect connotation of dependent and that without a man by her side the female is helpless.
Feminist icons such as artist Frida Kahlo and writer Virginia Woofle used their art forms to speak life into the activist movement. Women have been fighting for equal rights for hundreds of years, and still do to remind the world that a woman’s body belongs to no one but herself.
Through the pressures of social media and the constant need for approval, women often feel they need to find the perfect relationship. Many believe that by being with a man, the problems of a woman will slip away and happiness will be found. Because of this, many women are insecure due to being rejected many times. A woman’s worth is not measured in the hands of a man, but in her strength and courage. In many cultures today, women are still believed to be the inferior sex. They are still expected to stay at home to care for the children and the house, while the standards for men are quite different.
Feminist activists often fight for equal rights and treatment through marches, protests, and social media movements. The most recent Feminist movement being the #MeToo movement. A common misconception is that these protests are only for fighting for equal pay or the right to get an abortion. In reality, many marches and movements are held for social injustices such as catcalling and street harassment.
Every woman is created unique, beautiful, courageous, and inspiring. Despite years of oppression, women are resilient and independent despite the world believing they are not. Women are in every way equal to their male counterpart. Women capable of taking the world by storm, and should be given the freedom to do so.
In the future, it is my hope that women all across the globe will receive the respect that we deserve. Throughout the past hundreds of years, the struggle for women’s rights has gained a strong foothold, but there is still a long way to go. Feminist activists have aided in the fight, but change takes time. Alongside the thousands of oppressed minorities, everyone can assist in the fight for equality for all.