Doritos leave bad taste

According to staff writer Grace Tally, the new Doritos for women is an insult to females everywhere.
February 15, 2018
Recently, the world-famous brand PepsiCo and Doritos have been in development of a new chip designed for women. The chips are low crunch with the same ”taste profile,” but have less flavor dust sticking to the fingers, resulting in minimum finger licking.
Creating a new Doritos specifically designed for women is pointless. A Doritos for women has already been created; they’re called Doritos, they’re loved by millions, and not only by men. It seems there’s one more thing that women hate more than licking Dorito dust off of their fingers: it’s having their favorite brands marketing them as ”lady friendly.”
First, pointing out that women need a low profile chip to keep themselves polite is extremely sexist and condescending. There has been a major uproar from both women and men alike on the internet. For Doritos to insinuate that women are too loud, take up too much space and are too much in general is beyond insulting.
Secondly, the change comes as a result of drawing conclusions from gendered snacking preferences. What many are taking away from this is that women feel pressure to be more polite when eating in public. When in reality, most don’t care that they crunch too loudly. In this day and age, we live in a hyper-targeted world of ads, products, and assumptions.
Lastly, with all of the internet rage, this is not a smart marketing move for PepsiCo. The internet plays a huge factor in marketing these days, and the comments for the new chip have not been supportive, which means this idea may not last long.
To fix this problem, Doritos does not need to launch these ”Lady Friendly” chips, and if they do, they do not need to be marketed toward a specific gender. Why not make less crunchy chips for all? This may not be the smartest plan, but if it does happen, at least Doritos will keep women fueled as they continue to fight for gender equality.
Dennis Ross • Feb 15, 2018 at 1:12 pm
Listen, I appreciate what you are saying, But who cares? They are marketing a chip for women, There is no law that says you can’t market based on gender. Make up is marketed towards females, Power tools are marketed towards guys. Also why add the gender equality thing? If anything minorities already play the “I’m a minority” card enough. It devalues the argument, Also i clicked on this article thinking i wasn’t the only one who get that weird plastic taste after eating too many Doritos.
Zoee Rogers • Feb 22, 2018 at 10:56 am
Okay random commenter person, the entire point of this article is to showcase through a small relatable example, the much larger problem and overall mentality concerning gender roles and equality. The chips aren’t what matter, it’s what lead to a million dollar company actually believing it was 1)needed or 2)acceptable that is the fuel behind this column. It is tangible proof that progress is still in high demand concerning the overall issue. The author is this article is brilliant and subtle in choosing a non threatening issue with which to exemplify the struggle of gender equality. Thank you for your time.