Bear of the Week: Jonathan English
Jonathan English is a junior with a passion for music.
November 14, 2017
For junior Jonathan English, music is a life-long passion that he has been perfecting for 11 years. He learned how to play his first song at the age of six but did not really stick to it until he was nine years old. Now as a 17-year old, he plays music for his church and one day hopes to pursue music in college. He mostly plays the guitar, but also knows how to play the piano and the drums.
In his spare time, English enjoys hanging out with his girlfriend and playing/writing music. He believes that his best traits are playing guitar and doing algebra, and his friends would describe English as a caring and happy person.
According to English, the best part of his day is going to his geometry class because he has friends in there and it is a subject he enjoys. During the time he has been in high school, he has actually grown an interest in becoming a math teacher one day.
In ten years, English sees himself married with kids. He would also love to travel to Hawaii at some point. A quote he tries to live by is, “With God, nothing is impossible.”