Sisters by chance, friends by choice
Staff writer Grace Tally shares about her sisterly bond.
October 12, 2017
Growing up, we hated each other. We would fight over who got to shower first, who got the last Oreo, or who had to play the Yellow Brick Road and get stepped by our mother’s pointy red heels by whoever played Dorothy.
But now, as we have gotten older, I realize I have the best sisters in the world. Even though we vary in age, myself being 15, Morghan 20, and Jewell 19, they never make me feel left out of the close-knit group.
I thought our group of three could never get better, until our cousin Hannah from Illinois moved back home. We were never close to her before, but this time there was an instant click, and we even call her our adopted sister now.
Now, we see each other almost three times a week, mostly for sushi dates or to talk about fresh family gossip. I started to worry when the college talk came up. In my head that seemed years away, but time really does fly when you are having so much fun.
To my surprise, not even a month after this crazy college talk, we were packing Jewell up to ship her off to college in Dallas. We began planning our last dates together, the last sleepover, the last sushi date, and even the last time seeing each other all at once. Everything was moving so quickly, and before I knew it, our group was once again back down to three.
Now it’s been a couple of months since Jewell has moved away, but new gossip has still been sprouting about Hannah moving to Idaho the coming fall to continue her practice in Geology. I was shocked by the news, but happy for my sisters starting their new lives. Soon, there will only be two.
Although I am scared for the days without my sisters, I realize there will still be sleepovers, dates, and especially family gossip. I know they are only a phone call or FaceTime away. No matter what, they will be there for great advice and new stories of their adult lives. The only thing left for me to do now is make my own Yellow Brick Road.