Andrea Steward
Student Council members presented the flags during the assembly.
In order to honor American veterans, the school held a program on Wednesday. A guest speaker delivered a moving speech, the choir performed, Taps was played, and the drumline gave a drum roll as the flags were presented.
The assembly is something that is traditionally held every year. The choir performed The Star Spangled Banner, while Taps were played by sophomore Tommy Holland and junior Logan Comeaux. Drumline members who participated were: junior Brandon Boaz, junior Ethan Martin, and freshman Jaxon Collier.
“I felt super honored to be a part of a nation and a school who honors the heroes that protect us,” freshman Erika Cook said.
The guest speaker, Drew Croche, gave an emotional speech speech about his experience in the war and how he respects the veterans who fought day and night. He talked about the sacrifices they make to keep Americans safe and protected, and all the hard work it takes.
“It felt good to know that we still show respect for the ones who have risked their lives for us,” freshmen Mckenzie Guillory said. “The program tells them thank you for their service.”