Andrea Steward
The Honey Bears perform for the crowd at the Homecoming pep rally.
Everyone has a favorite part of homecoming, whether it be early release, all of the different floats at the parade, how loud and crazy the student section is, the crowning of the king and queen, or the football game itself. For some, though, the best part of the day is watching the Honey Bears dance with their guy partners at the pep rally.
“I look forward to seeing the guys dance with the drill team,” junior Bailey Noah said. “It’s entertaining to see them step out of their comfort zones and get involved with homecoming festivities.”
Many students agree that this is one of their favorite homecoming traditions.
“I think it’s hilarious to watch the guys trying to keep up with the girls,” senior Josh Dunn said.
Then, for some, the best thing about homecoming is getting to participate in this performance.
“I’m really excited about Friday,” senior Layne Lewis, sophomore Drill Team member Ally Ball’s partner said. “I didn’t want to do it at first but it’s actually kind of fun. It took a few tries for me to get [the dance] down, but after [I got it], it became easy. But it is awful being bossed by the girls!”
Senior Carli Henning said it has been hard to teach the guys to dance, but its fun to watch them.
“What makes this such a fun experience is that we all get along, and all the memories [we make],” she said. “My favorite part of homecoming on Friday is the game and parade, and we have the partner dance every year because it’s something fun to do.”