Lindsey Fruge
Editor Bailey Gorham shares her experience when deciding to join a church.
They put their entire effort into shaping society’s future, day in and day out. It could be lesson plans one day or late-night grading the next. Either way, they wake up earlier than their students and prepare to put every passion in their illuminating hearts into teaching the many students who deserve education.
Teachers are the foundation of society. They take the students who come in with nothing and give them valuable insight into education. This is why teachers deserve more monthly and yearly pay for what they do.
Teachers deserve better pay. They prepare hundreds of kids each year for jobs in the real world. They teach valuable lessons to help prepare students who plan on going straight into college or even right into the workforce. They go out of their way to make a connection with each student and motivate them to try and pursue what they enjoy. A teacher’s job requires infinite dedication in order to prepare the prime of education for those who need it.
If that is not already difficult, many teachers spend late nights working way past contract hours so they can make sure their students are getting the education they need to be successful. They put a lot of time and effort into planning out lessons, creating assignments, and even grading the assignments they give their students. They put countless time into what they do and do not get the pay that follows their efforts.
Teachers also have to manage a classroom full of students consistently. One can only imagine how difficult it is to control a classroom of 24 students who are often rowdy and lack the motivation to do any of their work. Teachers have to continuously adjust their teaching styles to adapt to the many students they face throughout the day, many of which are unappreciative of what they do.
Although some may say teaching is like any other job and their pay does not need to change, the truth is teachers have to deal with multiple kids at a time and work around state regulations to try and teach everything they are required to teach in one year. They must also adapt to the never-ending rule changes within the school district they work at and change the way they teach consistently as stated above.
To fix the problem of underpaid teachers, more people should encourage the government to give more money to the education system along with increasing the pay for teachers. Doing this would create a reason for current students to follow through with the teaching career. It would also help more students become successful as it would allow for students to take a wider variety of classes to help them in the future.
Overall, people should jump at the opportunity to increase teacher pay because they deserve to be paid more for what they do. Whether it is donating to school districts or writing petitions it starts with you. Take the chance to help the teachers who are struggling so that they can help students have a better education.